JOHN'S Garage
Practical thoughts for everyday!
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
My Friend
Practically Speaking
By C. Wayne Childers
My Friend
A young girl "de-petals" a flower one at a time. "He loves me." "He loves me not." This cadence is repeated until the "petal-less" stem is naked. She is relieved that the chant ended with "He loves me." That is good to know.
George Strait sang the song about a boy who passed a note to a girl he admired. She was given the option of checking "yes" or "no" to the question of "Do you love me? Do you want to be my friend?" The song also had a happy ending. She checked "yes." That is good to know.
I hate to pop your bubble but did you know that some people are not going to love you and are not going to be your friend? That is right. The petal reveals, "he loves me not" and the box is checked with a big fat "NO."
It happened to Jesus, the babe of Christmas. Many did not love him and many refused to be his friend, even those who claimed to be his friend. Jesus responded by working around them to complete His purpose. He tolerated some and challenged the most religious. He did what His father said, he conducted His "Father's business." At the same time He trained eleven and focused on the three and then the one, Peter. His focus was not a human report card but the Divine "Yes." God was pleased and that was all that mattered.
The truth is that Jesus has made His decision. "He loves me." He checked "YES." He wants to be my friend. That is also true for you.
I like the song by that name; "What a friend we have in Jesus." The last section of that song says: "Do thy friends despise, forsake you? ... In his arms He'll take and shield you ... You will find a solace there." I know that solace today.
So that is what friends do. They shield you in their arms. They provide solace. Friends are few but cherished but none of them are like Jesus. He's that one closer than a brother. You are not heavy to him. What a friend!
Monday, December 16, 2013
Practically Speaking
By C. Wayne Childers
No Comparison
My daughter posted a quote by CS Lewis that resonated with me today. It is,
"Comparison is the thief of joy." This statement is especially true at Christmas time. So many parents stress out over wanting to please their children so much that they go overboard in trying to get them what "everybody else" has. The standard of "everyone else" is never attained in this lifetime. Wants and needs have to be measured against values. "What do I want my children to value?" should be the question.
I discovered that there is a popular doll that "every" little girl "wants" but it is quite expensive. Some can get the doll with no stretch, but I understand that it is just an 18" doll. The clothes made for it will fit any 18" doll, even one bought for $2 at a thrift store. What should a parent do if they cannot afford the doll? Don't buy it and don't feel guilty. Be creative. Give yourself. Give values. Teach financial responsibility. Listen to a different drummer. No one is superior just because they can purchase a certain doll. Teach that to your children. No one is inferior if they can't.
There is a principle in scripture that helps me. We are reminded that comparisons of this nature "miss the point."
"We’re not, understand, putting ourselves in a league with those who boast that they’re our superiors. We wouldn’t dare do that. ( somewhat tongue in cheek) But in all this comparing and grading and competing, they quite miss the point." (2 Corinthians 10:12 MSG)
Comparison is a thief. It will steal your joy. You are you. You are the you that God created. You are where you are. In most situations, that will not change. Contentment is the opposite of comparison. It does not mean that you never seek to do better. It does not mean you set aside all ambition. It does mean that you learn when enough is enough.
Paul nailed it again,
"... for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, weather it is ... with plenty or little. For I can do everything through Christ, who gives me strength." (Philippians 4:11-13 NLT)
If you give from these values there is no comparison. There is no guilt. You can welcome joy again to your Christmas celebration.
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Sad For Holidays
Practically Speaking
By C. Wayne Childers
Sad For Holidays
It seems strange that "the most wonderful time of the year" can be the most sorrowful time to many. Sadness is as common as gladness. For every jolly ole Saint Nick, there are those who would just as soon trade the holiday for a root canal. They would rather hurt than cry on the inside.
What can help? I know "suck it up" so many more people in the world have so much more to cry about. Well that is one method. Like my parents used to say, " if you don't quit crying I'll give you something to cry about." Now that really helps.
Well the cure for sadness is not just the act of man. It is not trying to think differently. It is not something most of us can do by getting busy or being distracted through entertainment, pleasure or chemical sedation both legal and illegal. The cure for sadness is the same cure as for lostness (a common term used by believers in Jesus for those who have yet to believe in Jesus). The cure is from above us and beyond. The cure is spiritual not material. It is facilitated with a simple conversation with God.
I ask you, "have you asked God to heal your sadness?" He has given you tear ducts to express it and that helps. But have you asked Him for help? Have you asked Him for salvation? Deliverance? Healing? Try it this season. Just ask Him? Talk to the silence about how you feel.
The good book expressed one persons discovery. "You have changed my sadness into joyful dance. You have taken away my sorrow and surrounded me with joy." Psalm 30:11
So sad is normal and has a healing process. However, after time, sad can be bad. At that point our sadness is only healed by help beyond ourselves and helping professionals. We need an intervention. A divine intervention.
Jesus is Emmanuel or "God with us." Joy to the world The Lord is come!
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By C. Wayne Childers
Sad For Holidays
It seems strange that "the most wonderful time of the year" can be the most sorrowful time to many. Sadness is as common as gladness. For every jolly ole Saint Nick, there are those who would just as soon trade the holiday for a root canal. They would rather hurt than cry on the inside.
What can help? I know "suck it up" so many more people in the world have so much more to cry about. Well that is one method. Like my parents used to say, " if you don't quit crying I'll give you something to cry about." Now that really helps.
Well the cure for sadness is not just the act of man. It is not trying to think differently. It is not something most of us can do by getting busy or being distracted through entertainment, pleasure or chemical sedation both legal and illegal. The cure for sadness is the same cure as for lostness (a common term used by believers in Jesus for those who have yet to believe in Jesus). The cure is from above us and beyond. The cure is spiritual not material. It is facilitated with a simple conversation with God.
I ask you, "have you asked God to heal your sadness?" He has given you tear ducts to express it and that helps. But have you asked Him for help? Have you asked Him for salvation? Deliverance? Healing? Try it this season. Just ask Him? Talk to the silence about how you feel.
The good book expressed one persons discovery. "You have changed my sadness into joyful dance. You have taken away my sorrow and surrounded me with joy." Psalm 30:11
So sad is normal and has a healing process. However, after time, sad can be bad. At that point our sadness is only healed by help beyond ourselves and helping professionals. We need an intervention. A divine intervention.
Jesus is Emmanuel or "God with us." Joy to the world The Lord is come!
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