JOHN'S Garage

JOHN'S Garage
Practical thoughts for everyday!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Snake Charmers

We are now playing for a few days. I mean we are eating, traveling and sight seeing and having a great time. We go to a pearl farm today and the beach. It is tough doing mission work.

Laurie got the opportunity to handle a snake. She looks like the snake charming type. However, I think the snake won.

We went to the country to Ed and Luz's hideaway. They have a little store, a farm and a training center on the sea in the south. It is perfect for them. Ed is going to do some work from there. He is also assisting some pastors and a church there. I am glad we can have a part in this ministry through CRI.

I am sure we will shop a little today to find gifts to bring home. That will be fun.

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